Akash Rajput

  Artemis https://akashrajput.in Technology over a cup of coffee


40 Stories by Akash Rajput

Next-Gen PDF Generation – Part 2

In last blog, we learned about Next-Gen PDF Generation – Conversion API. In this part, we are playing with one more option available –...
0 5 min read

Next-Gen PDF Generation – Part 1

Before I start, I want to talk about one issue that I’ve faced many times while working in ServiceNow. Whenever I want to generate...
0 3 min read

Part 31: Understand Data Broker Transforms

Let’s say we bring data using data broker and we would like to transform it before we display it on the page. Think of...
0 1 min read

Part 30: Add Pagination to EVAM Data Set

Create State variables pageSize – Number – 3 pageCursor – String – Blank pageNumber – Number – 1 Add Client Script to Handle Navigation...
0 46 sec read

Part 29: Add Navigation to your EVAM component Items

Handle Navigation Event Remember, we added sys_declarative_action for the navigation for our EVAM Definition. Let’s dispatch the event now from the component when someone...
0 41 sec read

Part 28: Understand EVAM template

Let’s look at the final page after we have added the EVAM component on the Catalog page and understand how different details are showing...
0 56 sec read

Part 27: Create EVAM Component in UIB

Navigate to UI Builder Navigate to Now Experience Framework > Experiences. Open the Experience for Panda Tech. On the right side of the form, Besides the...
0 2 min read

Part 26. EVAM Component template

Navigate to View Config Navigate to Entity View Action Mapper (EVAM) > View Configurations Click Catalog items list On the right side of the form,...
0 51 sec read

Part 25: Create catalog homepage using EVAM component

About EVAM (Entity View Action Mapper) Component EVAM, A Component is a very useful component to display cards/lists of items from any tables with...
0 1 min read

Predictive Intelligence in Flow Designer

Flow designer today serves as a visual, low/no-code way to describe business logic on the Now platform. Using the latest update in the Quebec...
0 19 sec read