
Next-Gen PDF Generation – Part 2

In last blog, we learned about Next-Gen PDF Generation – Conversion API. In this part, we are playing with one more option available –...
Akash Rajput
5 min read

Next-Gen PDF Generation – Part 1

Before I start, I want to talk about one issue that I’ve faced many times while working in ServiceNow. Whenever I want to generate...
Akash Rajput
3 min read

Part 31: Understand Data Broker Transforms

Let’s say we bring data using data broker and we would like to transform it before we display it on the page. Think of...
Akash Rajput
1 min read

Part 30: Add Pagination to EVAM Data Set

Create State variables pageSize – Number – 3 pageCursor – String – Blank pageNumber – Number – 1 Add Client Script to Handle Navigation...
Akash Rajput
46 sec read

Part 29: Add Navigation to your EVAM component Items

Handle Navigation Event Remember, we added sys_declarative_action for the navigation for our EVAM Definition. Let’s dispatch the event now from the component when someone...
Akash Rajput
41 sec read

Part 28: Understand EVAM template

Let’s look at the final page after we have added the EVAM component on the Catalog page and understand how different details are showing...
Akash Rajput
56 sec read

Predictive Intelligence in Flow Designer

Flow designer today serves as a visual, low/no-code way to describe business logic on the Now platform. Using the latest update in the Quebec...
Akash Rajput
19 sec read