knowledge article

Part 24: Refresh comments data broker

Hook Event to update the comment Goto Nested comments 1 component Select event section Click + Add a new event handler Goto Retrieve knowledge...
Akash Rajput
17 sec read

Part 23: Add data broker to save comments

Add Data Broker to add comments Goto Data resources Click + Add Search with keyword insert knowledge Select Insert knowledge comment Click Add Add...
Akash Rajput
30 sec read

Part 22: Nested comment for knowledge article

Navigate to knowledge article page and Add container for nested comments section Open on knowledge article page from UI Builder. From the Content section,...
Akash Rajput
45 sec read

Part 19: Add Confirmation Message

Add Event handler once the record is saved in kb_feedback table Goto Data Resources Select Create Record 1 Goto Events Section Expand Operation Succeeded...
Akash Rajput
48 sec read

Part 18: Add event to save ratings

Add Event handler once the record is saved in kb_feedback table Goto Data Resources Select Create Record 1 Goto Events Section Expand Operation Succeeded...
Akash Rajput
48 sec read

Part 17: Add rating component

Navigate to the knowledge article page and Add container for rating section Open on knowledge article page from UI Builder. From the Content section,...
Akash Rajput
31 sec read

Part 16: Create a new page route for the…

Navigate to UI Builder Navigate to Now Experience Framework > Experiences. Open the Experience for Panda Tech. On the right side of the form,...
Akash Rajput
2 min read