Akash Rajput Technology over a cup of coffee

Part 22: Nested comment for knowledge article

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Navigate to knowledge article page and Add container for nested comments section

  • Open on knowledge article page from UI Builder.
  • From the Content section, After the Container 2.
  • Click (+) toadd component to the container.
  • In search box, type Container and select Add.
  • Keep the default layout

Add Nested comments component to this container

  • Click (+) toadd component to the container.
  • In search box, type Comments andadd Nested Comments.

Add Data broker to get Knowledge Article Comments

  • Create a Data resource
  • Click + Add
  • Search for keyword “Knowledge”
  • From the Server Data section, select Retrieve knowledge comments
  • Click Add
  • In the configuration section, Fill out the fields below
    • Article ID – @context.props.sysId
  • Observe the JSON on the right side of the screen where it shows the result for the Data broker
    • This should be blank for now as we do not have any comments for this article

Update Nested Comments component Configurations

  • Update following properties
    • Comments : @data.retrieve_knowledge_comments_1.knowledgeComments
    • Actions: Add the following code snippet
  "ariaLabel":"Delete Comment"

Great!! We have successfully added the comments component and hooked it to show article Comments. In the next post, we will hook the event to this component to save the comments.

Akash Rajput Technology over a cup of coffee

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