Akash Rajput Technology over a cup of coffee

Part 24: Refresh comments data broker

17 sec read

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Hook Event to update the comment

  • Goto Nested comments 1 component
  • Select event section
  • Click + Add a new event handler
  • Goto Retrieve knowledge comment 1 > execute
  • Click Add
  • Click Save

Check the result

  • Open https://<instance-name>.service-now.com/now/panda_tech/knowledge-article/params/sys-id/f27d7f79c0a8011b0018f9d700d2b9aa
  • Post a comment
  • Newly added comment should be available immediately

Great!! We have successfully used refresh from Retrieve Knowledge comment data broker to update the comments section without refreshing the page

Akash Rajput Technology over a cup of coffee

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